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We offer expert help & advice for those who need to make a mesh implant compensation claim!

Category: Compensation

lawsuit justice
November 26, 2019

Vaginal mesh court case victory in Australia

There has been a landmark and monumental victory in a vaginal mesh court case in Australia, and we wholeheartedly welcome this latest ruling.

Although the case can’t really have any direct impact on claims here in the UK given that our legal jurisdictions are separate, news of the victory is very much welcome over here. That being said, there are some key similarities in how the UK and Australia approach justice, so the grounds for this victory cannot be ignored.

We continue to fight for the rights of victims here in the UK; representing many claimants on a No Win, No Fee basis over a number of years.

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By Matt
mesh implant safety
November 20, 2019

When prolapse mesh procedures go wrong…

When prolapse mesh procedures go wrong, we know all too well just how badly the patient can suffer; especially when some women are left with lifelong complications.

What should have been a simple, straightforward and easy procedure can turn lives upside down. What may be advised as the best and easy way to resolve common problems like involuntary bladder leakage can leave women suffering for life. And it’s all down to mesh devices and slings that are being used to treat these conditions.

If you have suffered as a result of a mesh procedure that has gone wrong, know this; you’re not alone, and we may be able to help you.

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By Matt
vaginal mesh law team
November 13, 2019

Vaginal mesh lawyers for you

We are vaginal mesh lawyers for you – which means that we’re a firm of specialist lawyers whose dedication and priority is helping our clients.

But how do we do this? How do we set ourselves apart from the vast quantities of lawyers and law firms out there who all say that they’re the experts, and that they’re the best fit for you?

We can’t speak for other law firms, and we know that different people will look for different things. What we can do, however, is give you a little insight into how our service and expertise may be the best for you. It’s totally up to you as to who you instruct for your vaginal mesh compensation claim, but if you want to know what we can offer, please read on for a little advice.

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By Matt
mesh implant safety
November 06, 2019

Vaginal mesh erosion compensation

If you’re a patient in England or Wales that has suffered from vaginal mesh erosion, we may be able to help you.

We represent women who are bringing claims for personal injury compensation that arise from problems that are caused by vaginal mesh implants. We have been helping people for a number of years, and we’re committed to helping anyone that we can.

Given how serious vaginal mesh complications can be, getting the right legal advice and support is crucial.

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By Matt
claim as soon as you can
October 30, 2019

Mesh implant UK class action lawsuit

It’s important to distinguish between the worldwide lawsuits and what’s going on here in terms of any mesh implant UK class action cases.

The way that we’re dealing with claims here in the UK is that we’re pursuing individual personal injury compensation claims for victims who have suffered problems and complications. Due to jurisdictional differences, we can only represent victims in England and Wales.

Importantly, we can offer No Win, No Fee representation. This is important because, although there has been widespread success in the US, things are different over here.

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By Matt
bladder sling
October 23, 2019

Organ damage from a vaginal mesh implant: compensation advice

If you’re one of the many women who has suffered organ damage from a vaginal mesh implant, you could be entitled to make a claim for personal injury compensation

Organ damage is one of the many known complications of vaginal mesh devices that have gone wrong. It can also be one of the worst ones as well, which is why it’s so important that victims who suffer this kind of injury know their rights.

As the worldwide fight for justice against vaginal mesh devices continues, we’re offering No Win, No Fee representation for women in England and Wales that have suffered. When it comes to an injury as serious as organ damage that could leave victims with permanent problems, getting the right help and advice is important.

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By Matt
October 16, 2019

Pelvic mesh victims support through legal representation

We offer pelvic mesh victims support through legal representation as we fight for their rights to claim personal injury compensation for their suffering and loss.

It’s only right that you should be entitled to compensation if you have to suffer as a result of avoidable negligence. In cases that we take forward and that match our eligibility criteria, we can offer No Win, No Fee representation to allow victims the access to the justice that they deserve.

We know that it can be hard to get the right support and help when vaginal mesh has gone wrong. We can do more than just pursue a case with the services that we offer.

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By Matt
Help and Support
October 09, 2019

Severe pain from vaginal mesh surgery: lawyers advice

If you’re suffering with severe pain from vaginal mesh surgery that has gone wrong, we may be able to represent you on a No Win, No Fee basis for a personal injury compensation claim.

Severe pain from vaginal mesh complications can be common. It’s one of the reasons as to why patients need to be thoroughly advised when it comes to exactly what they’re getting themselves into.

With some patients reportedly not being advised during the consultations, but their records suggesting that thorough advice was given when it wasn’t, getting the right legal support is essential.

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By Matt
mesh implant safety
October 02, 2019

Nerve damage from pelvic mesh complications

If you’ve suffered nerve damage from pelvic mesh implantation, you may be eligible to make a No Win, No Fee claim for personal injury compensation.

Nerve damage is just one of the many complications that can arise from vaginal mesh surgery. It’s also one of the more serious ones given that nerve damage can be difficult – and often impossible – to resolve.

With this in mind, it’s vital that you know where you stand if you have suffered any nerve damage that has arisen from a pelvic mesh procedure.

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By Matt
September 25, 2019

What is a surgical mesh claim and how does it work?

If you have questions about making a surgical mesh claim for compensation if you’ve suffered problems and complications, we can help you.

For a number of years, we’ve been fighting for the rights of women who have suffered serious complications arising from the use of vaginal mesh implants. Despite the thousands of women worldwide who have suffered, they’re still in use here in England and Wales.  Some women’s lives have been turned upside down as the complications that can arise cannot always be corrected.

Justice is therefore incredibly important. What has happened has happened, but we can make sure that you’re properly and thoroughly compensated for what you’ve had to go through.

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By Matt